An example of the Rebel approach: check out the Institut Mines-Télécom Business School case study
Find out how we implemented the REBEL® approach in the IMT-BS inbound & marketing automation strategy and the concrete results it brought.
If you operate in an industry where evangelization is necessary and if your prospects use the internet to collect information, the inbound methodology represents a real godsend for your business. It allows you to improve your brand image and your notoriety, in order to be visible to your prospects in the research phase.
To do this, our inbound marketing agency will support you in the implementation of levers such as organic referencing, content production and lead nurturing using HubSpot Marketing tools.
Markentive is a major player in the inbound market since 2012 and its experts have deployed inbound and automation strategies for hundreds of clients of all sizes and industries. You will benefit from a work methodology that has proven itself and produces concrete results in terms of traffic, lead generation and sales.
We will support you in defining your buyer personas and buyer journey, auditing your existing resources and creating your content strategy, as well as SEO optimization, prioritizing your marketing use cases and launching acquisition campaigns.
Markentive supports you in defining your inbound marketing strategy and implementing it using the tools that are best suited to your business
As a HubSpot Elite Partner, we deploy HubSpot solutions to many customers every month.
As part of an inbound service, we can use the Marketing Hub tools, as well as the HubSpot CMS, while relying on the HubSpot CRM for all the actions launched.
Here are our favorite tools to boost your inbound strategy: SEO features: tools for planning keywords and managing your semantic cocoons, SEO recommendations for each page or article.
Tools to engage your visitors and convert them into leads: landing pages, chatbots, CTAs, forms, etc. All modules are easy to use and give you the ability to do A/B testing.
Creation of website pages and blog articles with the CMS: manage your content efficiently and track your results thanks to the power of the HubSpot CMS.
Thanks to HubSpot's features and its ease of use, your team will be able to take action quickly to publish content, apply SEO recommendations and launch acquisition campaigns and nurturing scenarios.
Once your inbound marketing strategy is finalized, Markentive's experts will deploy it on HubSpot and will train you to using the tools you need. Depending on your needs, they can set up tailor-made onboarding processes for your new users and help you track the adoption of the tools internally through personalized dashboards.
The term "inbound marketing" was first used in 2006 by the founders of HubSpot (American software publisher).
Inbound marketing is based on a content creation strategy that allows you to attract visitors to your website and blog with the goal of converting them into leads and then into customers (this usually involves techniques such as marketing automation, lead nurturing, social media, and blogging).
The approach is described in 4 steps (Attract - Convert - Close - Delight) and is a non-intrusive way to acquire new customers.
Inbound marketing has many advantages. It is usually less dependent on paid acquisition (ads, AdWords, etc.) than traditional levers and allows you to benefit from the power of SEO to make your offer visible.
Based on the creation of powerful content, the inbound marketing method is perfect for markets that require evangelism marketing. By choosing inbound marketing, companies tend to improve their reputation and their understanding of their customers and prospects by becoming more interested in their problems (pain points).
In theory, it is often said that inbound marketing consists of letting your customers come to you while traditional marketing involves actively seeking out your targets. In practice, the two approaches complement each other nicely and can be used together to great effect!
To succeed with inbound marketing, your website must be optimized for the search engines, include a blog, and clearly and effectively interact with your prospects and customers.
While it may not be necessary to revamp your website completely (a few adjustments and optimizations may be enough), you will need an optimized web platform, and if possible, a marketing automation tool to pilot your landing pages, emails, and dashboards.
Please feel free to contact our team of experts for more information!
Markentive is a pioneer in the field of inbound marketing and has helped more than 100 companies to adopt this methodology.
Backed by our REBEL® approach, we have a firm understanding of how inbound marketing can effectively complement more traditional levers and growth techniques.
Made up of consultants, acquisition experts (SEO or Ads), and content and marketing automation specialists, our team develops comprehensive solutions that can help boost your company's growth.
If you already have a marketing automation tool (or some other element), please feel free to contact us to benefit from a personalized consulting offer.